EH 48 D 41



Homily delivered by David Franco Mendes at the occasion of his bar mitzvah. Amsterdam, 1726

Sermão / Gratulatorio q[ue] resitey no / KK de TT de Amster[da]m Em 27 / de menahem Na parassa de / Ree anohy, e avendo cumprido / em 21 d[it]o Minhan no Anno / 5486 Que corresponde a aera / Vulgar 1726. / David Franco Mendes.

f. 1: “Cansion en alabansa de resitante del adjunto/ sermon echa Por un amigo suyo i mayor de/ sus Genitores que Es y Sea”. Spanish poem dedicated to the parents of the author, written by a friend.

f. 2r-25r: Text.

Belonged tot the collection of David Montezinos.

Text in Portuguese with some parts in Spanish and some Hebrew quotations / Paper / 18,9 x 15,2 cm. / [26] ff. (last 12 ff. blank) / 15-16 lines to a page / Neat current writing, quotations in Sephardic cursive writing / Title written in drawn ornamental frame / Running title on top / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.

Fuks 47. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.