EH 48 C 16


Against Heterodox Currents in Judaism

Certamen Philosophico.

Polemical treatise against Johannes Bredenburg and Bento de Spinoza by Isaac Orobio de Castro, translated from the Latin into Spanish by G. de la Torre. Copied in The Hague, 1741.

Certa / men / Philosophico. / Defiende la verdad Divina, y / Natural, contra los Principos de / Juan Bredemburg. / Puestos al fin deste tratado, con los quales / pretenda demonstrar, que / La Religion, Repugna a la Razon. / Con lo qual caë en el Profundo abysmo del / Atheismo de Espinosa / Al Contrario / se demuestra con evidencia que la Religion / no propone como cresible alguna cosa repug / nante a la Razon, / Escriviele en Latin el Doctor / Ishack Orobio de Castro / Traducido en Español Litteralmente / Por G. de la Torre. / y copiado en la Corte del / Haya en el año 1741.


p. [1]: Title.

p. [2], 10: blank.

p. [3,4]: Dedication of the translator to Carlos del Sotto, Spanish consul in the Netherlands, signed The Hague, 16th February 1721.

p. 1-9: Introduction.

p. 11-130: Text with runnning title: “Refutanse las demonstraciones de Juan Bredemburg y de Benito de Espinosa”.

p. 131-144: ‘Demonstracion mathematica de Juan Bredemburg’.

p. 145-150: “Defensa de la Demonstracion de author Juan Bredemburg contra la Refutacion de un cierto N. N. (Este es) El Doctor Ishack Orobio de Castro”.

This manuscript is mentioned by Kayserling, Bibliotheca, pp. 82, 83.

The original Latin text was published in Amsterdam in 1689 and for the second time in 1703.

Belonged originally to the collection of Isaac da Costa, cf. Catalogue Da Costa, nr. 2329, p. 9 and was purchased in 1861 by D. Henriques de Castro. Ets Haim Library bought the manuscript from his collection in 1899, cf. Catalogue De Castro, nr. 533, pp. 57, 58.

Spanish / Paper / 23,5 x 17,8 cm. / [4] + 150 pp. (first and last ll. blank) / 19 lines to a page / Current 18th century writing / Title written in drawn ornamental frame / Running title on top / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.

Fuks 245. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.