Collection of historical documents, 16th, 17th and 18th century.
I: Autograph Spanish letter of Daniel Levi de Barrios to the Parnassim of the Sephardic community in Amsterdam, 1679. / 1 f. of 23,1 x 18,1 cm. / Current Iberian writing.
II: A leaf from a contribution book of the Sephardic community Neveh Shalom in Amsterdam, a.o. with signature of Uriel da Costa, 1624. / 1 f. of 32,6 x 20,4 cm. / With some 18th century Dutch annotations pasted upon.
III: Dutch advise in a matter of the marriage of a Cohen by Cornelis Hugo Vonck, professor of theology, Amsterdam, July 3rd, 1737. / 4 ff. of 31,6 x 19,9 cm. / 1 f. of 20,9 x 15,9 cm.
IV: Spanish and Dutch copy of the nomination of Joseph Manuel Acosta as consul of Spain in the United Provinces and the confirmation of the States General, 1718. / 2 ff. of 32,9 x 19,9 cm. / Current Dutch writing.
V: Dutch advise of the theological faculty of the University of Leyden on the question of the legal separation of Moses Fles and Edel Jacob, May 10th, 1752. Signed by J. Alberti, Bernadinus de Moor and Johannes Jacobus Schultens. / 8 ff. of 33,2 x 20,4 cm. / Dutch current writing and 6 ff. in print being the verdict in the matter by the States of Holland, July 29th, 1758.
VI: Dutch resolution of the States of Holland and West-Friesland concerning the relations of the Jews and the Christian population, [1619]. / 4 ff. of 28,9 x 18,4 cm. / 17th century Gothic writing with 19th century copy in current writing of 3 ff. of 33,2 x 20,1 cm.
VII: Dutch extract from the Resolution of the States of Holland and West-Friesland concerning the parnassim of the Jewish congregations in Amsterdam, January 26th, 1689. / 2 ff. of 32,6 x 20,6 cm. / 17th century current Dutch writing with 19th century copy in current writing of 2 ff. of 32,9 x 19,9 cm.
VIII: Dutch resolution of the Emperor Charles Vth, refuting the privileges and ordering the bannishment of the New-Christians from Brabant, Flanders and Zeeland, June (hooimaand) 17th, 1549 and May 30th, 1550. / 4 ff. of 31,4 x 20,2 cm and 3 ff. of 30,8 x 19,1 cm. / Dutch Gothic writing of the 16th century / With 19th century copy in current writing, 8 ff. of 33,1 x 20,3 cm.
IX: Copy of a Dutch resolution of the Court of Holland concerning the New Christians, 1529. / 2 ff. of 31,4 x 18,6 cm. / Current writing / 19th century copy.
X: Several documents concerning the question of the marriage of Moses de Jacob de Pinto of The Hague and his niece Judica Suasso, ab. 1750.
a) Dutch advise of the court of Holland, March 3rd, 1752. / 1 f. of 32,6 x 20,4 cm. / Current writing.
b) The same, dated July 30th, 1756. / 2 ff. of 31,3 x 20,1 cm. / Current writing.
c) Dutch translation of a Portuguese advice in the matter of marriages between blood-relatives by the Sephardic rabbis of Hamburg, signed by Emanuel Israel, David Is. Pacheco and Abraham Jessurun. Tanslation dated Amsterdam, June 2nd, 1711. / 3 ff. of 31,6 x 19,9 cm. / Current writing.
d) Dutch translation of a Spanish advice on the same question by the rabbis of Livorno, signed by Isaac Joseph Sacuto, David Cohen Arias, Rephael de Medina and Joseph Athias Senior, February 9th, 1711. / 4 ff. of 31,7 x 20,1 cm. / Current writing.
Text in Dutch with some parts in Spanish / Paper / Several sizes and writing styles / Bound together in the 19th century.
Fuks 390.