Preluminarias ...
Refutation of a polemical work of Isaac Jaquelot by Abraham Gomes Silveyra. Amsterdam, 1700.
f. 1r: Title: Preluminarias / que deven anteceder a todo genero de / controversias en materia de Religion. / Que sirven de Prologo a la Repuesta / humilde que haze A[braham] G[omez] S[ilveyra] En /cinco Libros al que hizo el Doctissimo / Señor / Yshac Jaquelot / Yntitulado / Disertaciones sobre el Mesias donde / se prueva a los Judios que J.C. / es el Mesiah prometido / y vatizinado en el / viejo testamento. / Libro ante Primero, año 1700. Refutation of Isaac Jaquelot’s polemical work, Dissertations sur le Messie, où l’on prouve aux Juifs que Jesus-Christ est le Messie promis et prédit dans l’Ancien Testament (The Hague, 1699), by Abraham Gomes Silveyra, Amsterdam, 1700.
f. 1v: blank.
f. 2r-10v: Al Prudente Lector Prologo, y Dedicatoria todo Junto… (Prologue and dedications).
p. 11r-12v: Conclusions, deducted by the author from the following discourse.
p. 13r: Table of Contents.
p. 13v-99v: Capitulo Primero: ‘In which the freedom of conscience and universal tolerance for all religions is put to the test.’
p. 100r-268r: Cap. 2: ‘In which Saint Augustine’s reasons against religious tolerance and freedom of conscience are examined and responded to.’
p. 268r-268v: Protestacion (final observation).
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.
For the author cf. EH 48 B 17. Cf. Kayserling, Bibliotheca, pp. 102, 103 and A. Marx, Polemical mss., nr. 68.
The work of I. Jaquelot, Dissertations sur le Messie was published in The Hague, 1699.
Spanish / Paper / 30,7 x 19,8 cm. / [268] ff. / 30 lines to a page / Currrent writing with some square vocalised Hebrew characters in the beginning and at the end / Catchwords at the end of each page / Contemporary leather binding.
Fuks 235. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.