EH 48 B 08


Ethics, Tales and Legends

Caminho de Vidas

Ethical work by Solomon Saruco, The Hague 1760.

Caminho de Vidas / composto por o Hazan / Selomoh Saruco / Para emcaminhar a seus / Filhos na Virtude. / em Haya / Anno 5520.


First l. blank.

p. [3]: Title.

p.[4]: blank.

p. [5,6]: Prologue.

p. [7-15]: Introduction.

p. 1-289: Text.

In the prologue, Solomon Saruco dedicates the manuscript to his children: “He obrigação de todo o Pay amoroso precurar o luzimento de seus filhos, tanto em sciencia, como em virtudes, aplicandolhes a boa educação e verdadeiras doctrinas nos verdes anos da Juventude […]” (It is a duty of a loving father to provide the scientific and moral enlightenment of his children, giving them a good education and true principles during their youth). The main purpose of this treatise is to be a manual of conduct and ethics for young people. It is divided in short chapters under the name of various virtues, e.g. modesty, niceness, courtesy, control, shame, piety, truth, cleanness, joy, love and friendship, etc.

For the author cf. EH 48 B 10.

Presented to Ets Haim Library by Moseh Henriques Pimentel of The Hague in 1902.

Portuguese / Paper / 25,8 x 20,9 cm. / [15] + 289 pp. (last 6 ll. blank) / Current 18th century writing (autograph) / Catchwords at the end of each page / Title written in frame, decorated with engravings cut out and pasted upon the page / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.

Fuks 158. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.