Dialogos Theologicos. Polemical discourse composed in verse by Abraham Gomes Silveyra.
Dialogos Theologicos/ en versos jocoserios, para deleitar/ aprovechando/ Interlocutores/ un sabio Ministro Reformado, presidente/ un Doctor Catholico Apostolico Romano/ Un Turco Mahometano Herudito/ Un Judio desapasionado,/ Autor A.G.S.
Polemical discourse, composed in verse by Abraham Gomes Silveyra. Amsterdam, about 1680.
A theological debate between a Calvinist minister, a Catholic scholar, a learned Turkish Muslim, and a Jew. The author was a Spanish Jewish poet, who was active in Amsterdam and Antwerp at the beginning of the 18th century.
f. [1r]: Title.
f. [1v]: blank
f. 1r-330r: Text.
f. 330v: Sonnet on life, death and memory.
f. 331r-335v: Poem on sin and penance. A caption informes that the author wrote it when he was seriously ill (“En una grave enfermedad hiso en cama el autor estas desimas”).
f. 335v: Epitaph for Reina Enriques Silva, who died at the age of 36, written by her father.
f. 336r: Two epitaphs: one for the author’s only daughter Sarah Franco Silveira and other for Reyna Enriques Silva, both by Abraham Gomes da Silveira.
f. 336v-337v: Coplas on time, with a reference to Daniel’s prophecy.
f. 338r: Epitaph for Abraham Armadel, who died in 1680.
The text corresponds to Entretenimientos Gustosos, o Dialogos Burlescos, Entre un Judio, Turco, Reformado, y Catolico, a theological debate between a Calvinist minister, a Catholic scholar, a learned Turkish Muslim, and a “dispassionate” Jew, where each one defends the supremacy of his own religion. Silveira translated it from the French.
According to Fuks, another copy of this work reposes in the library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. There is another copy at Columbia University Library. Kayserling, Bibliotheca, 102-103.
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.
Spanish / Paper / 28,2 x 22,1 cm. / [1]+338 ff. (first 3 and last 4 ll. blank) / Current Iberian writing of the 17th century (autogr.) / Title written in drawn frame with a crown on top, and with caption ‘Soly Deo Gloria Sylveyradas’.
Fuks 246. Kaplan 133. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.