Libello aureo da difficuldade de ourinar. Medical treatise on urology by Samuel de Leão Benavente.
Libello aureo/ Da difficuldade de ourinar./ O qual contem todas as retençoens de/ ourina, cauzas, prognosticos, e/ cura./ Principalmente a cura das carnosida-/ des, como tambem o verdadeiro modo de/ Abrir da pedra./ composto por/ Semuel de Leão Benavente Amste/ lodamense Chyrurgião publico/ et lythotomo judeo./ Em Amsterdam, anno 1699.
Medical treatise on urology by Samuel de Leão Benavente. Amsterdam, 1699.
p. [1]: Title page.
p. [3-4]: “Ao nobre e venerando Senhor Sr. Jshac de Matathias Aboab”. Dedication to Isaac de Matatiah Aboab, signed by the author.
p. 1-4: Introduction “Amigo Lector”.
p. 5-155: Text.
p. 156- 164: Index “Taboada das coisas mais notaveis neste libello aureo. O numero significa a pagina”.
p. 165-169: “Adição” (Addenda).
In the beginning, some loose ll. with 19th century annotations on the life of the author.
David Aboab Curiel was the son of Isaac de Matatiah Aboab, to whom the work is dedicated. He received the book from his father.
The author was a distinguished Jewish surgeon from Amsterdam and member of the medical guild from 1686 until his death in 1722. Cf. I. van Esso Bzn, Het aandeel der Joden in the natuurwetenschappen, in: GJN, pp. 665-666.
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.
Portuguese / Paper / 19,6 x 15,4 cm. / [4]+155+[14] pp. / Current writing / Autogr. manuscript, with drawn and coloured illustrations by the author / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding with stamps on the front: “David Aboab Curiel” and on the back: “Anno 5459”.
Fuks 338. Kaplan 174. . Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.