Annotations on the services in the synagogue for a cantor’s use by Josuah Jesurun Pinto
Amsterdam, 1758.
Title Vol. I is missing.
TitleVol. II: Livro Intitulado / סדר חזנות / חלק שני / Por o qual se deve / Governar hum Haz[a]n / Para as Rezas & Ceri- / monias, conforme he / Estila Em nossa kehila / Feijto pro Jos[ua]h Jes[uru]n Pinto / Em Amsterdam / No Anno / 5518.
Portuguese and some Hebrew words / Paper / 18,2 x 11,9 cm. / 2 vols. together 128 ff. / 22-24 lines to a page / Current and Sephardic cursive writing.
Fuks 111