Registro das Circunciçoems
List of circumcisions performed by Manuel Saruco Abendana. The Hague, 1784-1795.
Registro / das / Circunciçoems / Feitas por Manuel Saruco Abendana. / Principiado no Anno da Criação 5544 / que corresponde a o Anno Vulgar 1784. / Haya.
p. [1]: Title.
p. [2, 6]: blank.
p. [3-5]: Preface by the circumciser, signed The Hague, Elul 5544, 1788.
p. 1-23: List of 6 circumcised boys.
Presented by Moseh Henriques Pimentel of The Hague in 1902.
Portuguese / Paper / 12,6 x 19,8 cm. (obl.) / [6] + 23 pp (first 2 ll. and rest of the book blank) / 9-11 lines to a page / Current Portuguese writing / Title written in drawn and coloured frame / Contemporary leather binding.
Fuks 380. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.