Collectaneous writings by Solomon de Oliveira.
Contem 50 discursos.
Collectaneous writings by Solomon de Oliveira, copied for Isaac de Matatiah Aboab by Benjamin Senior Godines. Amsterdam, 1690.
Several writings collected by Solomon de Oliveira for Isaac de Matatiah Aboab, Amsterdam, 1687; and copied by Benjamin Senior Godines, Amsterdam, 1690.
[Perach Shushan] / Ramelhete/ de Flores/ Colhido no jardin/ das Artes, q[ue] levão/ o Estudiozo/ ao Saber,/ Contem 50 discursos.
p. [1]: Title page.
p. [3]: Second title: “Breue Compendio,/ Do que em Sustancia contem, ca/da Sciencia, e sua definição/ O que contem se vera na Taboa/da adiante, que esta logo na/ Entrada do Libro,/ Tratados de grande noticia,/ para o Coriozo ter Conhecimento e/ ynteligencia, do em que ellas/ se fundão,/ Juntados e dispostos por o H.H.R./ Selomo de Oliveira, a pedimento/ de seu afeiçoado Amigo/ Ishack de Matitya Aboab,/ Em Amsterdam no Anno 5447 [1687]”.
p. [5-8]: Table of contents.
p. [11]: Title page: “[Hebrew]/ Valle da Vizão/ em que se vê plantado/ o Arvore do Saber,/ Compendio/ Breve do fim de cada/ Sciencia,/ Colhendo o fruto de todas/ ellas para o deleite do/ fim do homem,/ Vallis visionis”.
p. 1-52: Text.
p. 53a: Title page: “[Hebrew] / Floresta/ De/ Vygylantes,/ Em que/ Reverdese o Triumfo/ de moralidade/ Espelho das Artes e/ ymperio das Sciencias”.
p. 53b: “Outava que contem os outo Discursos/ desta Floresta”. Poem in which the eight subjects of the treatise are enumerated: will, reason, wisdom, prudence, justice, strength, temperance and reputation.
p. 54-108: Text. Treatise on several qualities and virtues of human life. At the end, it contains a distinction between the different types of arts and sciences, among them the seven liberal arts.
p. 109-218: “Doutrinados de Deos,/ são os que aprendem/ A doutina Divina/ para sua perfeição”. In the index, this treatise is denominated “Doutrina Divina, e propozições das regras das Artes”. It is a treatise on Logic, Arithmetic and Geometry, which also contains: a declaration on the precise measures of several ritual baths, dated Amsterdam, 5445 [1685], signed by Solomon de Oliveira, Isaac Saruco and Isaac de Matatiah Aboab (p. 173-174); dissertations on the redeeming of the first-born (p. 175-177); measurements of ritual baths (p. 177-210, containing several tables and figures at the end and another table attached to page 191); and a chapter about Music and Astrology (p. 211-218).
p. 219-246: “Advertencias, e Contas/ pellas quais se ve a razão, e causa do/ acctuamento dos Annos Biceistos…”. Treatise on calculation of leap years and other astronomic matters.
p. 247-275: “Declaracion por que se guardan / las Fiestas, y la razon por que se ayuna”. Spanish text on the Jewish calendar. On pages 252-259, printed chronological tables are pasted upon the recto-side of the folios, the verso-sides are blank.
p. 276-282: Hebrew printed text.
p. 283: Title page: “Computo dos/ Mezes,/ ou Calendario Annual/ perpetuo,/ Calculado e disposto/ por/ S[e]l[om]o Ol[iveir]a”.
p. 284-313: Text. The perpetual calendar with annotations.
p. 314a: Title page: “Kalendario/ Geral,/ Que serve para todos; e todos/ poderão fazer Kalendarios,/ pellas Regras que seguem/ com fazilidade;/ Sem haver mister ter noticia/ das Contas de Hibur, p[ar]a o Esta/blesimento dos R. H. e Festas;/ E Logo com duas Somas, se acha/ o sinal de qual quer anno,/ para buscar sua colu/na nas Taboas/ geraes”.
p. 314b-326: Portuguese written text.
p. 327-334: Hebrew printed text.
p. 335-339: Continuation of the Portuguese written text.
p. 340-348: “Circulo de las Tequphot/ la qual sirve tambien para la Ben/dicion de las lluvias perpetuamente./ yndustria de R. Selomo de/ Oliveira”. Circle of Tequphot, Spanish text composed by Solomon de Oliveira. The epilogue is dated Amsterdam, 1687 (p. 349).
p. 350-358: Chronology of biblical events.
p. 359-360: Rhymed ethical alphabet by Isaac de Matatiah Aboab.
p. 361-367: Printed ethical precepts of Isaac de Matatiah Aboab for his son, dated Amsterdam, 10 Elul 5447 [1687].
Colophon on p. 360: “Escrito por mi B. S. Godines em Amsterdam, no Anno da Criação 5450.” (Written by myself, Benjamin Senior Godines, Amsterdam, 5450 [1690]).
It is possible that this copy is the one mentioned in the Catalog hebräischer und jüdischer Bücher, Handschriften… nachgelassen von G. Almanzi, Jacob Emden und H. J. Lewenstein, Amsterdam 1868, nr. 5185, p. 354, 355. It belonged later to the collection of David Montezinos.
In his article “Selomoh de Oliveyra, Noticia biobibliografica” (Revista de Estudos Hebraicos, I, Lisboa, 1928), Moses Bensabat Amzalak published a detailed description of another copy of this manuscript which was in his possession then and had belonged to the collections of Isaac da Costa and Henriques de Castro.
I.S. Révah, “Pour l´histoire des nouveaux-chrétiens portugais. La relation généalogique d’I. de M. Aboab”, Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira, vol. II, n. 2, April-June 1961, pp. 282-283. Moses B. Amzalak, “Selomoh de Oliveyra, Noticia biobibliografica”, Revista de Estudos Hebraicos, I, Lisboa, 1928.
Text in Portuguese with some annotations and parts in Hebrew and / Paper / 14,6 x 9,6 cm. / [10]+365 pp. / Skilled italic writing and Hebrew square and cursive writing / First title written in engraved decorative frame, coloured by hand / Other titles written in ruled frame / On pp. 189, 269 and 271 drawings illustrating the text, some drawn decorations at the end of treatises.
Fuks 419. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.