EH 47 B 18



Collection of homilies and commentary on the Bible.

[דרושים ובאורים על התורה ודרשות לעת מצוא.]


f. 1r-114v: Homilies on Genesis and Exodus.

f. 115-116v: blank.

f. 117r-121r: Homily delivered in 1560 for exiles from Catalonia.

f. 121v-127r: Homily delivered on New Year’s eve in 1559.

f. 127v-136r: Homily for the wedding of Solomon Tarfon, 1554.

f. 136v-138r: Concept for a homily for the betrothal of Jacob Tarfon and the daughter of



f. 138v-144r: Annotations for an obituary for the wife of Meir Aramah, 1556.

f. 144v-148v: Obituary for Moses Gerson of Lisbon.

f. 149r-165v: Obituary for Perahyah Hacohen.

f. 166r-167v: Commentary on Daniel.

f. 168r-170r: Commentary on Lamentations.

f. 170v-172v: Commentary on Esther.

f. 173r-208r: Several commentaries on the Pentateuch and the Babylonian Talmud and


f. 208v-209v: Homily for the wedding of Samuel ben Menahem Kalman.

f. 210r-211r: Obituary for a woman named Nehamah.

Hebrew / Paper / 20,7 x 15,4 cm. / [211] ff. / 23-26 lines to a page / North-African cursive

writing / No title / Catchwords at the end of each folio.

Fuks 412