Sermão Moral
Homily delivered by Isaac de Eliah Cohen Belinfante at the occasion of the appointmen of Solomon Salem as rabbi of the Sephardic congregation in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1762.
Sermão Moral / sobre tre Ponctos / Verdade, Clemencia, e Justiça. / simbolizados / na vara, no coração, y no Sol / cuyas palavras no Ydioma sacra formão / שמש, לב, מטה / Anagrama de Salem / שלם / Pregado na eleição do muy Eminentissimo / Sr H.H. Morenu verabenu Salem no K[ahal] K[ados] de T[almud] T[orah] / Por Is. H. de Eliau acohen Belinfante / Na Parassah de Bear ebehucotay / No a° 5522 / em / Amsterdam.
On f. 18v-19v two Hebrew sonnets by the author with introduction in honour of Solomon Salem.
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.
Text with parts in Portuguese and in Hebrew / Paper / 19,6 x 15,8 cm. / [19] ff. / Variety of lines to a page / Current writing and square vocalised and unvocalised and some Sephardic writing (autograph) / Bound together with some other works in 19th century half-leather binding.
Fuks 51. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.