EH 48 C 11


Against Christianity

Tratado de la verdad de la Lei de Moseh i Providencia de Dios

Polemical treatise by Saul Levi Morteira, late 17th century copy.

Tratado de / la verdad de / la Lei de Moseh / i Providencia de / Dios con su pueblo / por e] exc[elentissi]mo / s[eño]r H.H. Saul Levi / Mortera.


f. [1r]: Title.

f. [1v], [6v], 332v: blank.

f. [2r-6r]: Table of contents.

f. 1r-332r: Text.

f. 1r-3r: Chapter I: “Declarcion de la Yntrodusion de este Tratado y cauza que movio el Author para hacerlo”.

Providencia de Dios con Israel was originally written by Saul Levi Morteira in Portuguese. Once it was complete, it was sent to Moses Rephael d’Aguilar, Haham of the Sephardic congregation of Amsterdam, who revised and translated it into Spanish. Aguilar also enlarged the work with a last chapter. After Aguilar’s death in 1679, the manuscript, which had remained in Aguilar’s possession, went to his son-in-law Joseph Franco Serrano and, after his death, to his son-in-law Jacob Abenacar.

For the author cf. EH 48 A 09.

Of the works several copies repose in this collection cf. EH 48 A 09, EH 48 B 1, EH 48 B 16, EH 48 C 10, EH 48 C 21 et passim.

Herman Prins Salomon (ed.), Saul Levi Mortera. Tratado da Verdade da Lei de Moisés. Escrito pelo seu próprio punho em Português em Amesterdão 1659-1660. Ed. facsimilada e leitura do autógrafo (1659), Introdução e comentário por […], Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1988.

Belonged to the collection of Ets Haim Library at the end of the 19th century.

Spanish / Paper / 23,3 x 17,9 cm. / [6] + 332 ff. / 27-29 lines to a page / Iberian current writing of the late 17th century / Title written in capital printed writing / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / Contemporary leather binding.

Fuks 193. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.