Discourse by Isaac de Pinto. The Hague, c. 1745
Paradoxe / Soutenu de plusieurs Examples / Pour prouver / Que la vérité nous conduit souvent / à l’Erreur et l’Erreur à la Vérité. / Par Mr Isaac de Pinto.
For the author cf. EH 48 E 60.
French / Paper / 24,4 x 18,2 cm. / [2] + 78 pp. (last 2 ff. blank) / 16 lines to a page / Neat 18th century current writing / Title written in calligraphic writing / Title and text written in ruled frame of 17,1 x 15,3 cm. / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding with coat-of-arms of the De Pinto family on front and back.
Fuks 433