Homily delivered by Jacob Gomez de Silva. Amsterdam, 1717
Sermão/ de Principio, y fin/ Pregado na Jesiba de Keter/ Atalmidim, em Sabat Hanuca/ y feito por/ Yacob Gomez de Silva/ no Anno 5477./ Amsterdam.
p.1: Title page.
p. 3-4: Dedicatoria A Ho Muy sientifico y eurudito senhor David Mendes de Silva.
p. 5-6: Portuguese poems by the same author (Cf. EH 48 D 46 02).
p. 7-52: Sermon.
p. 52: Quotation in Latin “Finis coronat opus”.
p. 53: Portuguese poem by the same author (Cf. EH 48 D 46 02).
Purchased in 1899 from the collection Henriques de Castro (Cf. Cat. De Castro, nr. 537, p. 58).
Portuguese and some Hebrew parts and a Latin quotation / Paper / 20,4 x 16,1 cm. / 53 pp. / 23 lines to a page / Current Iberian writing with Hebrew quotations in unvocalised square writing (autograph) / Title written in drawn ornamental frame with Hebrew quotation on top / Catchwords on the bottom of each page / Contemporary paper binding.
Fuks 20. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.