De los Judios y la Santa Inquisicion del Reyno de Portugal
Treatise on the Jewish question in Portugal by João Carvalho. Portugal, 17th century copy.
f. [1]: Title page.
f. 1r-3v: Introduction and short description of the contents of the book.
f. 4r-138r: Text divided in 8 chapters.
f. 138v-139v: Conclusion signed by Manuel, bishop of Fez, Antonio de la Resurreccion, Jorge Pinheyro, Juan de Carvalho, Fernando de Melo, Gonçalo de Albogodinho, Francisco Valente, Francisco Gomez, Ignacio de Mobaes, Leon de Sancto Thomas, Antonio de Seixo, Galban Botelho, Gregorio Fabeyra and Andres de Sancto Thomas. Latin quotation at the end: “Qui omnes sua nomina subscripserunt. Soli Deo Gloria”.
All signatories attended the conference of Tomar (Portugal) in 1625 where the Jewish guestion in Portugal and the rôle of the Inquisicion to suppress Judaism were discussed. This treatise was one of the papers which were discussed and it designated the Jews as a danger to the State which had to be eradicated by the Inquisition. The conference accepted this point of view. Though the matters discussed did only concern Portugal, the treatise had to be written in Spanish, because of the Spanish domination of Portugal which lasted until 1640.
Barbosa Machado, Bibliotheca Lusitana, II, p. 573.
Purchased in 1962.
Spanish / Paper / 20,9 x 15,1 cm. / [l] + 139 ff. (first 2 and last 8 ll. blank) / 28 lines to a page / Current 17th century writing / Catchwords at the end of each verso-side / Title written in red ink / Contemporary vellum binding with title written on the spine: “Inquisición y Judíos de Portugal”.
Fuks 402. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.