Collection of homilies delivered by Isaac Mendes Belisario. London, ab. 1760
Sermon / Moral / Predicado en el / Solemne dia de Ayuno / que por orden du su / Magestad el Rey nuestro Señor / se celebrou / En 9 Adar primero 5518 que corresponde / a 17 Febrero 1758 / Por/ Ishac Mendes Belisario / Dedicado / Al Eminentissimo Sr HHm R. Ishac Netto / e Ympresso con Licencia / De los Muy Illustres Senhores de Mahamad. / En Londres 1759.
Contains 32 homilies, on f. 1v-2r signed dedication of the author to Isaac Nieto, rabbi of the Sephardic congregation in London.
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.
Spanish and some Hebrew quotation / Paper / 21,7 x 15,9 cm. / 262 ff. (first 17 and last ll. blank) / Text written in 2 colums / Variety of lines to a page / Current writing, Hebrew quotations in rabbinic cursive writing (autograph) / Catchwords at the bottom of each page.
Fuks 50