EH 48 E 04-05


Belles Lettres

Biblical play by Isaac de Matatiah Aboab, 18th century copy

Vol. I: no title.


f. [1]: Abstract.

f. 1r-88v: Text. Title: “Primera parte del Persiguido/ dichozo…”

f. 89r: Conclusion of the first part.

Vol. II:


f. [1r]: Title: Segunda / parte del / perseguido Dichozo / Comedia De la vida y succe- / sos de Josseph / copiada p[or] mym / Ja[co]b de Is. Del°.

f. 90r-196r[a]: Text.

Vol. III:

f. 196r[b]: Title: “Tersera/ Parte Del/ Perseg[u]ido/ Dichozo.

f. 197r-209v: Text.

Usually, this play is simply known as El Perseguido dichozo (“Harassed but Happy”, according to Michael McGaha’s translation). McGaha supposes that Aboab wrote this play for performance in conjunction with the celebration of Purim or another Jewish holiday. Because of its length it may, alternatively, have been intended merely for reading rather than performance. Its Spanish is eloquent but contaminated by Portuguese, the author’s native language. The play reveals Aboab’s familiarity with the work of Spanish writers as Garcilaso de la Vega, Luis de Góngora, Miguel de Carvajal or Lope de Vega. McGaha also points out that, although the structure and versification of the play are awkward and amateurish by comparison with other comedias of the Spanish Golden Age, its plot is highly original and admirable, effectively using dramatic irony. Michael D. McGaha, The Story of Joseph in Spanish Golden Age Drama, Lewisburg, Bucknell University Press, 1998, pp. 226-232.

There is another copy of this work in EH 48 D 21.

Spanish / Paper / 15,8 x 9,9 cm. / 2 vols., 209 ff. together (from vol. 1 first l and last 3 ll. blank) / 15 lines to a page / Current writing / Title vol. II written in engraved frame / Catchwords at the end of each page / At the end of the text in vol. I and II an engraved vignette is pasted upon the page / Contemporary blind-tooled vellum binding.

Fuks 303. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.