Panegirico Prosi-Poetico
Prose and poems for the wedding of Isaac de David de Pinto and Rahel Nuñes Henriques by David Valle Saldaña. Amsterdam, 1735.
Panegirico / Prosi-Poetico / en / El plausible Hymen / del Sr. Ischac de David de Pinto / con / La sa Da Rachel Nuñes / Henrique. / Compuesto por D[avid] V[alle] S[aldaña]. Año 5495 / corresponde 1735.
f. [1r]: Title page with Latin quotation.
f. 8r: Poem.
f. 9v-11r: Poem “Ecloga Amorosa”.
Presented to the library by F.I. Belinfante in 1891.
Text in Spanish with Latin quotations / Paper / 14,3 x 10,1 cm. / [14] ff. (first and last 2 ff. blank) / Variety of lines to a page / Current writing (autograph) / Title written in nicely drawn and coloured frame / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.
Fuks 295. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.