Collectaneous writings, copied by B. Senior Godines for Isaac b. Matatiah Aboab
Amsterdam, 1682.
Compendia / de diferentes materias / dignas de se lerem para / ter as noticias do que ellas / contem / que são as que parece da Taboada / que segue. / Anno 5442 /
במצות יצחק בן מתתרה אבוהב יצ“ן על ידי הצעיר ב‘ שביראר.
f. [1r-2v]: Some beginnings of Bible verses.
f. [3r] Title.
f. [3v] , 1v, 29v, 43v, [2v], [3r], [5v]: blank.
f. 1r: Index.
f. 2r-8r: List of Bible verses to demonstrate the eternity of the people of Israel.
f. 8v-9r: The 7 commandments of Noah.
f. 9v-10r: The 13 articles of faith of Moses Maimonides.
f. 10v: The 3 articles of faith according to Josseph Albo.
f. 11r-24v: Arguments against Christian dogmata and enumeration of contradictions in the Gospels.
f. 25r-26v: Spanish polemical poem against Christianity, inc.: ‘Si es de las cauzas cauza y primero’, exc.: ‘Ymagen de palo que Laboran’.
f. 26v-29r: Some polemical observations.
f. 30r-34r: “Breve relação sobre a grandeza dos/ Ceos e Terra conforme o famozo Astrono-/mo Cardano, Para admiração da grandeza do senhor Ds e sua omnipotencia/ Louvado seja o q assy o dispôs e governa”. Astrological annotations based on Girolamo Cardano’s work.
f. 34v-35r: The costs of the building of the Sephardic synagogue of Amsterdam, 1675.
f. 36r-38r: Ethical precepts of Isaac de Matatiah Aboab for his nephew dated Amsterdam, 10 Sivan 5437 (1677).
f. 35v-38r: Portuguese translation of several Hebrew prayers; bound in between: Printed book Mikra’e kodesh by Solomon d’Oliveira. Amsterdam, 1660.
f. 38v-43r: Portuguese translation of several Hebrew prayers; bound in between: Printed book Mikra’e kodesh by Solomon d’Oliveira. Amsterdam, 1660.
f. [56r]: Annotation on the variation of days’ lengthening throughout the year in Amsterdam.
f. [56v-57r]: Annotation on the time to receive the Shabat and to recite the Tefilot throughout the year in K.K. of Amsterdam.
f. [1r-2r]: List of prayers to be said on different days.
f. [3v-5r]: Hebrew list of prayers to be recited on several occasions.
The same Spanish poem is found in other polemical works in this collection, sometimes with a different ending. See EH 48 B 16 (Saul Levi Morteira, “Providencia de Dios con Ysrael”). In the manuscript of the Saul Levi Morteira’s treatise “Objecciones con que el Cinience Injustamente calunia al Talmud…” (EH 49 B 03), the author is stated to be Mosseh Belmonte.
Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos, who bought it from a public auction ab. 1860, cf. Catalogue d’une collection… de livres hébreux et judaiques… en vente… chez Frederic Muller, Amsterdam, ab. 1860, p. 17, nr. 221.
For the owner cf. EH 48 D 09.
For the poem composed by Moses Belmonte, cf. mss EH 48 B 16, EH 49 B 3.
I.S. Révah, “Pour l´histoire des nouveaux-chrétiens portugais. La relation généalogique d’I. de M. Aboab”, Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira, vol. II, n. 2, April-June 1961, p. 281.
Portuguese and some Spanish and Hebrew / Paper / 12,1 x 8,6 cm. / [3] + 43 + [5] ff. / Variety of lines to a page / Neat italic and rabbinic cursive and square writing / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / Contemporary blind-tooled leather binding.
Fuks 417. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.