Centuria colloguorum
Hundred Latin-Portuguese dialogues, copied by Abraham de Solomon de Meza. Copenhague, ab. 1770.
Centuria Colloguorum / ou / Cem Dialogos nas / Idiomas Latina & Portug[uesa] / Por A.D.M.M.S. / Hafniae.
p. [1]: Title page.
p. 1-228: Text. Latin in the left column and Portuguese text in the right one.
Cf. also EH 48 E 30.
Latin and Portuguese / Paper / 15,8 x 9,7 cm. / 228 pp. / 14 lines to a page / Current writing / Text written in two columns / Contemporary paper cover.
Fuks 444. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.