EH 49 A 16


Against Christianity

Polemical treatises by Isaac Orobio de Castro and Abraham Gomez Silveyra, copied by Jacob Guedelha

Amsterdam, ab. 1714.

I: Tratado o respuesta au[n] Cavallero Frances Reformado, / Doctissimo y estudioso en su religio[n] que en devido secreto propuso diferentes questiones para probarla, y oponer a la divi / na Ley con expecifica, y demostrativo repuesta, / Por el Doctor Ishak Orobio de Castro / Cathedratico de Metafisica i Medecina en las / universidades de Alcala i Sevilla, Medico de / Camara del Duque de Medina Sely, i de la Familia de Borgoña del Rey Phelipe Quarto. / Profesor Publico del Rey de Francia, en La / insigne universidad de Tolosa i su Consegero / ad Honorem, Jacob Guedella lo escrivio, / en Febrero v2/4 14.

II: [D]isertaciones / Sobre el Mesias de donde se / prueba a los Judios que I[esu]c[risto] es / el Mesias prometido, y vatici / nado en el viejo testamen / to, donde responde a / las objecciones que ha / zen los Judios. / Por Monsieur Ishack Jacquelot / En el Haya Anno 1699. / Traducido de Frances en Español / con su Respuesta en Dialogos, por / A. Silveyra Anno 1700. / Parte Segunda.


I: f. [1r]: Title I

f. [1v, 2v 3v, 4v-5v]: blank.

f. [2r]: Portrait of the author in pen-and-ink drawing, signed by Jacobus Groenwolt, 1727; the place for the caption underneath has not been filled in.

f. 4r: Second title.

f. 1r-4v: Preface.

f. 5r-38v: Text I.

f. 1r: Title of another work of the same author signed by the copyist, February 27th,1714.

f. [lv-2v, 3v, 4v, 5v-8v, 9v, 10v 11v, 12v, 16v, 17v-18v, 19v-10v]: blank.

f. [3r, 4r, 5r, 9r, 10r, 11r 12r, 16r, 17r, 19r]: Several calligraphic samples.

II: f. 1r: Title.

f. 1v, 2v, 40v-42v, 43v, 44v, 47v: blank.

f. 2r, 3v: Other titles.

f. 4r-40r: Text II.

f. 43r 44r: Calligraphic samples.

f. 48: Table of Contents for II.

For the author of I cf. EH 48 C 12; another copy of II also dated 1700 and two other polemical treatises of the author also repose in this collection, cf. EH 18 B 17, EH 48 B. This work is directed against Isaac Jacquelot, Dissertations sur le Messie, The Hague, 1699. For the copyist, a well-known Sephardic calligrapher in Amsterdam cf. Da Silva Rosa, Geschiedenis, pp. 102, 103, where he is mentioned as Jacob Gadelha.

Spanish / Paper / 36,2 x 26,2 cm. / I: [5] + 38, [20] ff., II: [40] + 8 ff. / 34 lines to a page / Calligraphic italic writing with decorated initials at the beginning of each chapter; in the second part the initials have not been filled in / Titles written in several kinds of writing / Catchwords at the bottom of each page.

Fuks 207