EH 47 E 52



[סדר למוד לערב הושענא רבא]

Scroll containing the two first and last lines of the pericopes of the Pentateuch which

are recited on the eve of Hoshana Raba in the Portuguese synagogue of The Hague, 18th century.

Hebrew / Vellum / 10 pieces / I: 63,2 x 16,2 cm.; II: 73,8 x 16,2 cm.; III: 63,8 x 16,2 cm.; IV: 44,8 x 16,2 cm.; V: 64,2 x 16,2 cm.; VI: 60,4 x 16,2 cm.; VII: 65,2 x 16,2 cm.; VIII: 20,2 x 16,2 cm.; IX: 12,1 x 16,2 cm.; X: 11,9 x 16,2 cm. / 45 columns of 14 lines / Skilled square unvocalised, decorated writing of a professional scribe / Fastened on 2 wooden rods with turned handles and wrapped in silk cover.

Fuks 108