Sylva ...
Sylva / de diferentes discursos y argumentos, sobre varios subgetos / respondidos por el muy docto H.H. Yshac Nahar y el muy erudito H.H. S. Levy Mortea y del sapientissimo H.H. M.R. d. Aguilar / Como del docto Yshac Orobio de Cas[tr]o y otros autores.
Miscellany of different discourses and arguments, about various subjects, with responses by the very learned Ishac Nahar, the very erudite S[aul] Levi Morteira and the most wise M[oshe] R[ephael] d[e] Aguilar and the learned Isaac Orobio de Cas[tr]o and other authors.
Written in Amsterdam, 18th century.
p. III-IV, 1-54: Discurso del doctissimo Haham R. Ishac Naar / En que semuestra que los fundamentos de la cristiandad ynplica a la razon natural, y a la S[agrada] S[criptura]. Y que solamente los Judios pueden dar verdadero testimonio de Dios. / Hecho in respuesta de un escrito que le embio de Bordeus, un theologo que profesava el ser cristiano, siendo de la Nasion Juidaica. / Escritto por David Nuñes Carvalho, Amsterdam 1719.
Discourse of the very learned Haham R. Ishac Naar. In which is proven that the foundations of Christianity involve natural reason and the holy scripture. And that only the Jews can give true testimony of God. Written in response to a letter that was sent from Bordeaux by a theologian, who professed to be a Christian, being from the Jewish Nation. Written by David Nuñes Carvalho, Amsterdam 1719.
p. 55-65: No title.
Religious poem.
p. 65-69: Contra la inquicicion.
Against the inquisition.
p. 70: Soneto a el eroico mart- / irio de tres que padesie- / ron por santif[ic]ar el nom- / bre de Dios.
Sonnet to the heroic martyrdom of three who suffered for sanctifying the name of God.
p. 71: Soneto.
p. 71-84: Sentensa de fray Diogo da asemsaõ frade que foy queymado vivo em Lixboa, no ano de 1603.
Sentence of friar Diogo of the Ascension, the monk who was burned alive in Lisbon in the year 1603.
In Portuguese.
p. 83: Soneto.
p. 84: Soneto.
p. 85: Soneto.
p. 86: Soneto.
p. 87-88: Del mismo.
[Poem] of the same [author].
p. 89: No title.
p. 90-101: Romance que se hizo a bien / abenturado Juda creiente que / fue quemado bivo por la Unidad / de Dios y observante de la Ley / de Mosseh dada por Dios a’ / Israel, siendo de Rasa de gen- / til, siendo preso por el Tirano tribunal de la inquisision.
History that befell a blessed Jewish believer who was burned alive for [professing] the Unity of God, and who was an observer of Moses’ Law given by God to Israel, although of gentile birth, being imprisoned by the tyrant court of the inquisition.
Inscription on the left upper side of the first page: “Antonio Henriquez Gomez”.
p. 102-106: Desimas feitas por Jacob de Pina a hum / Moso da Nanaõ [sic] que tropeso na escada da / Esnoga yndo vela.
Tithes made by Jacob de Pina to some Moso da Nanaõ who tripped on the stairs of the synagogue when he was going to look there.
In Portuguese.
p. 107-309: Tratado contra la ym- / piedad de los deistas / que negan la sacra / escriptura / Por el Doctor Ishac Orobio de Castro Catedratico / de Metaphisica y Medesina en la universi- / dades de Alcala y Sevilla, medico de camera del Duque de Medina, Celi, y dela familia / de Borgoña del Rey Phelipe 4°, Profesor, Me / dico y Consejero del Rey de Fransia en la / Insigne Universidad de Tolosa. / En Amsterdam.
Treaty against the impiety of the deists who deny the holy scripture. By Doctor Ishac Orobio de Castro, Professor of Metaphysics and Medicine at the universities of Alcalá and Sevilla, doctor at the chambers of the Duke of Medina Celi, and of the family of Burgundy, of King Philip IV, Professor, Doctor, and Adviser of the King of France at the famous university of Toulouse. In Amsterdam.
Four discourses.
p. 310-331: Respuesta del mismo autor / a siertas preguntas del doctor / Prado que por segunda per- / sona fueron dichas.
Response of the same author [Ishac Orobio de Castro] to certain questions of doctor Prado, which were voiced by a second person.
p. 332 -356: Respuesta a una persona / que dudava si el libro de rai-/ mundo lulio nuevamente tra- / duzido y comentado era yn- / telegible y se concluian sus / discursos.
Response to somebody who wondered if the book of Ramon Llull [Raimundus Lullus], recently translated and commented, was intelligible, and if his discourses are conclusive.
p. 357-390: Preguntas que se hizieron de un clerigo de Ruan, respondidas p[or] el H.H. Saul Levi Morteira que Dios tiene.
Questions asked by a clergyman from Rouen, responded to by Saul Levi Morteira, whom God keeps.
p. 391-404: El coloquio que paso entre dios / bendito y Mosseh Rabeno, a- / lav a salom sobre el decreto de / su muerte.
The conversation that passed between the blessed God and Moshe Rabbenu, alav ha-shalom, about the decree of his death.
p. 405-406: La noble desendensia de los Modoros.
The noble descent of the Modoros.
p. 407-409: Al nasimiento de Xpo [Cristo] de Canser.
About the birth of Christ by Canser.
p. 410-434: Fabula burlesca de Xpo [Cristo] y la Magdalena, compu- / esta, por fray Antonio Marques cat(r)edratico / de visperas en la Universidad de Salaman- / ca, que haviendo padesido, grandes torment- / tos en la Ynquisicion, escrivio en Londres, este discurso, el año de 1623.
Burlesque tale of Christ and Magdalene, composed by friar Antonio Marques, professor of vespers at the university of Salamanca, who, having suffered great torment in the inquisition, wrote this discourse in London, in the year 1623.
p. 435-454: Organica y maravillosa / compossicion del Microcos- / ma, en forma de sueno, o ficcion.
Organic and marvellous composition of the microcosmos, in the form of a dream, or fiction.
p. 455-458: Desengaño de la vida.
Disillusion of life.
p. 459-469: Declaraçao de Cap. 9 verso 5, 6 de Esay.
Declaration of Cap. 9, verse 5, 6 of Isaiah.
In Portuguese.
p. 470-481: Relasao do feitio do Trono do / Rey Selomoh e parte de sua / grandeza e de como oveo a / Reyna Sabat a vesitar.
Regarding the shape of the throne of King Solomon and part of his splendour, as well as the veil to Queen Shabat [which she wears] to visit.
In Portuguese
p. 482-487: Contema multidaõ do Povo de / Ysrael ea fabricado sagrado / Templo sua grandeza eriqueza.
With as theme the mass of the people of Israel and, when the holy Temple was built, its wealth and riches.
In Portuguese.
Text in Portuguese and Spanish with some Hebrew annotations / Paper / 29,9 x 19,8 cm. / IV, 493 pp. / Current Iberian writing / With neat annotations in the margins, and catchwords at the bottom of each page.
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.