EH 48 B 10


Commentaries and Notes

Commentary on the Psalms by Solomon Saruco.

Commentary on the Psalms by Solomon Saruco. The Hague, ab. 1760.


f. [1r]: ornamental title frame

f. [1v]: blank

f. [2r-3v]: Preface.

f. 1r-100v: [Primera Parte] (Psalm 1 to 41).

f. 101r-163v: Segunda Parte (Psalm 42 to 72).

f. 164r-200v: Terseira Parte (Psalm 73 to 89)

f. 201r-233v: Quarta Parte (Psalm 90 to 106).

f. 234r-312v: Quinta Parte (Psalm 107 to 150).

By comparison of this manuscript with the author’s Commentary on the Proverbs (EH 48 B 09) the authorship can be established. The author was a cantor and rabbi of the Sephardic congregation in The Hague from 1752 until 1784, cf. M. Henriquez Pimentel, Geschiedkundige aantekeningen betreffende de Portugeesche Israelieten in Den Haag en hunne Synagoge. The Hague, 1876, pp. 83-85.

Presented by Moseh Henriques Pimentel in The Hague, 5662 (1902).

Portuguese / Paper / 26,6 x 20,9 cm. / [2] + 307 + [2] ff. (first and last 2 ll. blank) / 22 lines to a page / Current writing of the 18th century (autograph) / No title / Catchwords at the bottom of each page / On f. [1r] a nicely drawn ornamental title frame signed by I. Saruco, 1772, but the title has not been filled in / Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.

Fuks 9. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.