Declarasio[n] de differentes Mahamarim del Talmud
Polemical treatise by Saul Levi Morteira, 18th-century copy.
Declarasio[n] / de differentes / Mahamarim / del Talmud / Explicados por el Doctissimo Señor / H.H. Saul Levi Mortera contra las / calumnias del seniense. / En Amsterdam el ano 1648.
p. [1]: Titlepage.
p. [2], 242: blank.
p. 1-5: Spanish poem, Inc.: “Si de las cauzas causador primero” Exc.: “Ymagenes de palo que laboran.”
p. 6-11: Introduction.
p. 12-226: Text, answers to 25 questions.
p. 12-20: “Tratado Primero de la declaracion de los Mahamarim del Talmud”.
p. 21-112: “Tratado Segundo contra la Magestad Diuina”.
p. 113-138: “Tratado Tersero contra los Santos del Viejo Testamento”.
p. 139-172: “Tratado Quarto contra la Ley de Mosseh”.
p. 173-226: “Tratado Quinto contra la caridad y humanidad”.
p. 227-241: Table of contents: “Tabla de las Questiones que se contienen en este libro”.
The text contains the answers to the objections of Sixtus Senensis against the Talmud.
Belonged to Ets Haim Library at the end of the 19th century.
Spanish / Paper / 23,9 x 19,6 cm. / [2] + 241 pp. (first 3 and last 4 ll. blank) / 18-20 lines to a page / Current writing of the 18th century / Title written in drawn and decorated frame / The ink has partly burned away the paper / Catchwords at the bottom of each page/ Contemporary gold-tooled leather binding.
Fuks 239. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.