EH 48 E 12



Two sermons

Two sermons, the first delivered by Samuel de Casseres at the funeral of Saul Levi Morteira, Amsterdam, 1660 and the second by Isaac Nieto at the funeral of Solomon Aylion, London, 1728, 18th century copy.

I: A[nn]o 5420 / Sermão / Pregado por o HHm R. / Sem[ue]l de Casseres / Nas Exequias do muito / Eminente HHm R. / Saul Levi Morteira / Neste KK de Amsterd[a]m.

II: Sermão / Pregado Pelo Hm R. / Ishac Nieto / Nas Exequias do Mto / Emin[en]te HHm M.V. / Selomoh Ailyon / Em o KK de שער השמים / Em Londres A[nn]o 5488.

Belonged to the collection of David Montezinos.

Portuguese and some Hebrew quotations / Paper / 15,6 x 9,6 cm. / 77 ff. (2 titles and 2 ll. not foliated) / 15 lines to a page / Neat current writing, Hebrew quotations in unvocalised square and Sephardic cursive writing / Both titles written in engraved frames / Catchwords at the bottom of each page.

Fuks 42