Collection of anonymous polemical treatises
Probably belonging to the environment of Juan de Prado. Holland?, late 17th century copy.
f. 1r: Apologia en Deffença de la Carta / que escrivio un Ingenio / Censuranos ingenuamente / un Sermon / que Compuso un presumido / Sobre / la Penitencia.
f. [1v], 36v-37v, 38v-40r, 47, 50v-51: blank.
f. 1r-4r: Spanish text Apologia.
f. 4r-36r: Refutação de hum libelo infamatorio escrito por hum Anonimo (Refutation of an infamous libel, written by an anonymous). Spanish text, though the title is Portuguese.
f. 38r-46v: Refutação de hum Libelo Infamatorio escrito por hum Anonimo, Portuguese text.
f. 48r-50r: Portuguese polemical treaty. The text begins with a poem: “Censuras do meo sermão/ huma palavra, huma tilde,/ e tens tampouca rezão,/ que heu respondo, inda que humilde,/ Com sinco pedras na mão”.
f. 52r-54v: Arrogantia convicta, Latin polemical tract.
Cf. I.S. Revah, Spinoza et Juan de Prado. Etudes Juives I, Paris etc. 1959.
Belonged to the collection of Ets Haim Library at the end of the 19th century.
Paper / Spanish, Portuguese and Latin / 20,1 x 15,3 cm. / 59 ff. / Variety of lines to a page / Three different current hands / Title written on top of the treatises / Modern half-linen binding.
Fuks 243. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.